
Heritage21 is a team of professional heritage property consultants & advisors dedicated to provide all round heritage advice for cultural heritage conservation.

Saturday 4 July 2020

Save Heritage with Right Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment

Before beginning any development activities it is essential you comprehend if it could affect cultural heritage. That way, your development can proceed hassle-freely without costly interruptions. 

A Cultural Heritage Management Plan (CHMP) is a written report prepared by a professional Heritage Advisor. It includes results of an assessment of the potential impact of a proposed activity on Aboriginal cultural heritage. It outlines measures to be taken before, during and after an activity in order to manage and save Aboriginal cultural heritage in the activity area.

A CHMP is needed when a 'high impact activity' is planned in an area of 'cultural heritage sensitivity'. In these circumstances, planning permits, licences and work authorities can't be issued unless a Cultural Heritage Management Plan has been approved for the activity.

Places of cultural heritage sensitivity include registered Aboriginal cultural heritage places, as well as landforms and land categories that are usually regarded as more likely to contain Aboriginal cultural heritage. If your proposed development isn't a 'high impact activity', or if your development is not happening in an area of 'cultural heritage sensitivity', you can still prepare a Cultural Heritage Management Plan to ensure there are no delays if an Aboriginal area or object is uncovered.

If you are completing an activity that doesn't need a CHMP but is likely to harm Aboriginal cultural heritage, then you may still need to get a Cultural Heritage Permit. You need to hire a heritage advisor to assist you prepare the right CHMP.

Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment is a study to determine the impacts to known and potential heritage resources within particular area proposed for future development. The assessment results in a report that identifies all heritage resources, provides an evaluation of the importance of the resources, outlines any impact proposed development or site alteration will have on the resources, and makes recommendations toward conservation methods and/or mitigative measures that would reduce impacts to those resources.

Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment might also be required for any proposed alteration work or development activities involving or adjacent to heritage resources to ensure that there will be no adverse impacts caused to the resources and their heritage attributes.