
Heritage21 is a team of professional heritage property consultants & advisors dedicated to provide all round heritage advice for cultural heritage conservation.

Monday 30 October 2017

What is Cultural Management Plan and Its Requirement?

A Conservation Management Plans Sydney should provide the District Planning Authority with sufficient information to understand the impact of the proposals on the consequence of any heritage property affected. The submission of insufficient details may lead to your application for Listed Building Consent or Planning Permission being made unacceptable.

Understanding the importance of historical monuments and buildings, complex or area and the possible impact of the proposed plan on this implication is the key to good conservation practice. Useful information regarding the structure like the year of construction or another related history of the building can speed up the processing of the application. It also reduces the costs and leads to better overall design.

If the importance of a building has been completely understood from the outset based on how the structure has changed throughout the time then both the applicant and the District Planning Authority can better understand the proposal which helps them making specific efforts and plans to minimise the risk of collision. Therefore it is imperative to understand the importance of a heritage site when considering proposals to renovate, demolish or extend the building or making some new changes to it.

When is a Cultural Heritage Management Plan Required?

A Cultural Heritage Management Plan is required for any application that directly impacts a heritage building, site or its setting. It will always be needed for the following types of application affecting designated heritage buildings:

1. Records or documents of the heritage site provide primary information about society's activities to help everyone identify and assess events for themselves. It allows us to go to the source of information so we can try to distinguish truth from fiction without relying on fake stories. Original documents of the building have the potential to provide us many perceptions so we may consider different ideas that develop due to different environments and people's different ways of thinking.

2. These documents and records provide surety that the administrative working efficiently. They make sure that smooth-running societies ruled with order and efficiency. They offer us to hold public executives answerable through organized public records that can be checked and viewed by electorates. They also provide evidence against those people who break laws.

3. Recorded materials including original documents allow us to plan for the future by reviewing our and societies’ past mistakes and successes. Furthermore, they also allow us to assess the organization and discern trends from the more permanent persona of expanded culture.

4. Heritage records can be used to promote tourism and market a community using in-depth information about the cultural history and strengths. They can serve to improve the value of an area to researchers, encouraging them to study and write about local history.

5. They also preserve memories, provide silage for programming and entertainment, support education and lifetime learning, and help to secure our legacy. Due to all these roles and plans, Conservation Management Plans Sydney should be valued and protected.

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